viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010


Some news from Angel Medina.

Cranes. There now remain just two cranes in Marina de la Torre, two in Macenas and the one in the grounds of what was Felipe San Bernabé’s. We are in communication with the owner about this last one.
The IBI (Rates) can be satisfied in several payments. You must ask in the local tax office in Vera before November 20th. These fractioned payments will need to be paid through automatic bank transfer. Ciudadanos Europeos can provide the appropriate forms by mail or by hand.
The street outside Correos. This street is always full with double-parked cars or parked on the pavements. I am preparing an inquiry into finding ways of fixing this problem.
The Padrón. It is important to be registered before the end of 2010 to be able to vote in next year’s local elections. We shall continue to be available outside the Mojácar Town Hall on Tuesdays at 12.00 noon.
The Palm Tree Bug (Picudo Rojo). A decree from the Department of Agriculture of the Junta de Andalucía (BOJA Nº 67 April 8th 2010) states (briefly) that the plague of this insect was recognised in 1997 and a special permit was issued then to transport palm trees and rules were laid down to burn infected ones. New rules have now been introduced, including an order to notify infestations to the Delegación Provincial de Agricultura y Pesca and to allow inspectors onto one’s land as necessary. One must follow cures and measures as the Dept of Agriculture orders. One must control pruning/cutting and avoid planting new palms in infected areas. There are, however, no offers of direct help or subsidies to owners. Town halls have the obligation to alert the Department of Agriculture of suspected infestations, to report companies that market these plants illegally or without proper regard to the rules, and to oversee the destruction of infected plants. The owners of these infected palms have the obligation to treat them with special chemical products (available from plant stores), follow instructions from the Department of Agriculture, to not make any transplants without permission, and eliminate any dying or dead palms following instructions from the Dept of Agriculture. And all on the pocket of the owner! Then there’s the subject of fines. What a shambles!

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