lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Anti Property-abuse Demonstration

Rather than read it from me - here's a Spanish lady's view of the protest march in Almería City on Friday, January 9th 2009. To reserve a seat on the bus - check with

The following was written by a 74-year-old Spanish member of AU The following was written by a 74-year-old Spanish member of AULAN:

We have organized this march to protest against the urban abuses in Almería province. The 9th of January is the first anniversary of the demolition of the Prior’s house in Vera. For those of you who don’t know, this retired British couple built their house with all the necessary licenses granted by the Vera Town Hall in 2002. Nevertheless, the Junta de Andalucia considered their house to be illegal and, in the end, it was bulldozed. To date, the Priors are living in their garage and there is no sign of any solution or compensation of any kind from the Spanish authorities. Every day there are more and more cases of abuse of this type. The confusion of the Spanish legal system and its arbitrary application affect all of us.
I am here to emphasise that this situation does not only affect the British. I was a pharmacist and have lived in Garrucha since my retirement. Earlier this year I joined AULAN, an association for the defence of victims of urban abuse, even though I did not have any personal problems at the time. I thought that the Priors’ rights had been violated and it seemed to me that more cases of this kind could happen to anyone.
To my surprise, two months later, I learned that a new “highway” was going to be built right in front of my house. I have lived in a complex of 92 units, all occupied by Spanish, for 30 years. The town hall intends to expropriate our gardens and parking space and each household is expected to contribute 3000 euros so that the road can be built. This agreement was signed six years ago without any of us being notified. So we are yet another case of what the international press calls “land grab”. Your land is taken without compensation and what’s worse, you must pay for your share of the infrastructure costs and you have no say in the matter, as incredible as it may seem.
AULAN is an information and pressure group, one of many citizens’ groups which are mushrooming everywhere in Spain. In September, we organized a peaceful march in Cantoria for the regularisation of some 5000 homes which are currently considered to be illegal – although, once again, all permissions were given. So far it appears that the authorities are taking us seriously. But we must keep the pressure on and for this to happen, we need the collaboration of everybody.
You all know that the global economy is collapsing. The property market here in Spain is dead. Foreign residents are fleeing in mass. The international press writes about the lack of legal transparency in our property market. The European Parliament has already come three times to Spain to investigate our cases of urban abuse. The foreigners will not be coming back until they feel secure about their rights and their property. We have killed the golden goose.
It is time for ordinary citizens to take responsibility for our lives and to begin fighting back against ineffective politicians – from every party – who have brought us to this situation. The non-Spanish who are coming on this march are those who don’t want to leave Spain, who consider Spain to be their home. That is why I urge all Spanish to help us convince them not to leave, to show them that Spain is not a lawless country. But most of all, I ask that we Spanish get involved and learn to protect our rights and our property. Only then will we have true democracy.

Concha Arranz

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Ciudadanos News

The meeting duly went forward yesterday. We learnt that the Vera urban councillor and the town lawyer have made a criminal claim against the Junta de Andalucia over the demolition of the Prior's home back in January. Although this area has a very bad reputation for 'illegal homes', Mojácar in fact has not one case of an illegal dwelling.

The damage to La Paratá urbanisation due to the heavy rains was addressed and Angel Medina (pictured above, left) said that the town hall was fixing the roads with the help of a 95,000 euro bond from a builder there. He also agreed to talk with Aquamed, the company which is putting in the water pipes through the 'rambla'. Two urbanisations with problems of water and electricity due to the promoter disappearing were dealt with and the town hall will intercede on behalf of the owners. Gerardo Vásquez - a lawyer representing some of the owners - was present and confirmed the points made by Sr Medina. The Parata ring-road was discussed.

The town hall is very short of money. Sr Medina (in charge of tourism for the council) confirmed that Mojácar will not be going to either the WTF in London or the Madrid FITUR and said that, while the average collection of IBI (rates) is high in Spain, in Mojácar (a tourist town), the rate stands at only 60% - losing the town some 1.5 million euros annually. Sr Medina will be seeking help from the diputación (county council) on this topic.

Some of our local issues are, of course, decided by the Junta de Andalucía and are often entirely outside town hall control, however, referenda are possible (as Almuñecar has recently proved) and CEM is checking the possability of seeking referenda on the POTALA and other local issues.

An issue was raised about the 53,600 Europeans who live in this province versus the number who are registered to vote. It seems that only around 12% are registered - a mere 6,200. You are encouraged to get on the town hall registry - the padrón - and signal your intention to vote.
Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar has contacted the Ministry of the Interior regarding the new rules about residency in Spain - instead of a handy residence card Europeans are now expected to carry their passports at all times together with a letter from the immigration police!
Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar is the only party which has regular meetings with the community and is not just in evidence once every four years (BTW - it seems that the leader of the oddest party in the last elections, Mojácar Nueva, is now being sought by the police!).

Ángel Medina, concejal del ayuntamiento mojaquero y presidente del partido, trató sobre los temas candentes de la actualidad. En primer lugar anunció que Ciudadanos Europeos se personará en la causa de la querella que está preparando el Ayuntamiento de Vera contra la Junta de Andalucía por el derribo de la casa de los Prior. Enumeró las medidas que el Ayuntamiento de Mojácar ha tomado para solucionar los problemas creados por las últimas lluvias, sobre todo en el barrio de La Paratá, uno de los más afectados. Mostró un escrito que ha enviado el partido al Ministerio del Interior solicitando que se haga más fácil y accesible la documentación de los residentes para facilitar su identificación. Se ofreció para mediar entre los vecinos de la Urbanización "El Alboroque" y las empresas Galasa y Sevillana con el fin de negociar los enganches necesarios para dotar a esta urbanización de luz y agua, que no existen por culpa del promotor de la mencionada obra. Y al final, en ruegos y preguntas, se fueron repasando todos los asuntos pendientes que sacaron los asistentes, que quedaron muy satisfechos por estas explicaciones y por el seguimiento que el partido Ciudadanos Europeos hace de los temas.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

October Meeting

Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar are having a meeting this Saturday, 18th October, at the Hotel Continental on Mojácar Playa at 12 o'clock to discuss some interesting new developments in local affairs. These will include some progress on resolving the Prior's case in Vera. We shall also be talking about Medvillas 2000, The current state of the Parata, the 'Mojacar ring-road', plus some news on street cleaning and other issues. We shall also present the latest news regarding the POTALA, our thoughts on the European Elections and give you the chance to ask questions and make suggestions.
I hope that you will be able to attend the meeting, which is open to everybody.
Lenox Napier will provide the translations.

Un saludo, Angel Medina

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

The Meeting: Property Rights and Wrongs

From left to right - Angel Medina, Charles Svoboda, Bob Preston, Helen and Len Prior, Lenox Napier. Picture courtesy of Dave Darby. About 380 people attended.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

The Property Crisis in Spain

Angel Medina's Speech:
Hotel Best Mojácar, May 3rd 2008

Hello everyone and welcome. I would like to thank you for coming along to this meeting called by Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar. This beautiful city of Mojácar, which is some small way, thanks to the Ciudadanos Europeos party, is becoming known in Spain for its fight against unjust treatment against foreigners.
Since it began, Ciudadanos Europeos has had as one of its goals the clear defense of the interests of the large number of foreigners who have chosen to live in Spain. They were not wrong. Spain is a beautiful country, with a good climate, with an excellent health service, with a good and varied selection of food and with friendly and simpático people who are helpful to strangers.
Which is why we can say that the majority of the million northern Europeans who live here amongst us enjoy a high level of comfort and satisfaction in their adopted country.
However. There are exceptions. Yes. There are problems. There are specific problems to do with your homes and the two main parties here in Spain, the PP and the PSOE, have failed to resolve them. Perhaps their disinterest lies in the poor number of votes cast by the Europeans in our local elections.
Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar has, since we began a few years back, been trying to help with the various problems which have come up from time to time: large problems like those suffered by the Priors and small problems, such as those which the citizens of Mojácar have reported to us during the present legislation.
Our group doesn’t only meet up just before election time, but more or less monthly when we have our meetings, and residents can talk of their concerns which we then try to resolve - as far as it is in our power to do so.
There are other groups and associations fulfilling a similar function, and I have the highest respect for them. Such as Abusos Urbanisticos No which was began and is today represented by our friend Charles Svoboda, and the AUAN from Albox, led by Bob Preston, and both of them will be speaking today. I say I am both proud and pleased that they are here today.
Everything our friends tell you today will be true, and all of the cases mentioned will have happened as they describe them; but I say to you that things can and should change. Our purpose is not to enter into the game played by the big national parties – who would rather score points off each other than have the necessary regard to the citizens’ basic rights, which is, after all, what politics should be about.
We have discussed the situation of the foreign residents with the AUAN, the AUN and other concerned groups and we are at one with them regarding the proposals that must be made and implemented to try to stop these problems which have arisen from ever happening again.
Our purpose will be to work towards concrete goals, rules and policies to remedy the situation, including the following:
1. A legal protocol should be established for property purchases which must be adhered to – i.e. – a set of steps and checks to be made in every conveyance.
2. Estate agents should be registered, supervised and insured, as well as builders and other professionals. The cowboys must be driven out of the market.
3. Publicity and the public consultation of planning changes must be obligatory and implemented legally.
4. The Spanish land registry should be relied upon to reveal the true real-estate and planning situation of the property.
5. The catastro should be tied up with the land registry, and again, this should be implemented urgently.
6. A state commission or independent body should be set up to consider the current planning problems which have arisen and to make recommendations. Representatives of associations must be included in such a commission.
7. There should be independent agencies to oversee the protection of the environment and human rights.
These seven points will be our goal and we look forward to your support.
As you can see – I am an optimist and positive. This is why we started Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar and why we continue to work hard for our ideals.
To get matters into context and look after the real human issue today, we will talk of the Priors as we have done since the day this dreadful story became known.
My message is this: we live in a country which permits us to seek justice. There are cases of corruption, of trickery and of fraud. We must fight against them and help all those who need it to the best of our ability.
Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar would like to study these problems and concerns and become the party that defends the interests of the foreign residents in Spain. To this end, I have asked to change the name of our party to Ciudadanos Europeos del Levante, which would allow us to have a national projection. A political party has this clear advantage, we can fight for support across the board to attract attention to these problems, and with popular support, we can bring about those changes which are so urgently needed. Meanwhile, we shall continue with our base of members and shall introduce the party into those towns which are interested.
Once again, thank you all for coming along today.

Angel Medina
Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojacar AUN AUAN Ciudadanos Europeos

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

Property Rights and Wrongs

Are you worried about the recent troubles in the Spanish property scene as they apply to northern Europeans? Are you concerned about those 'illegal' homes, demolitions, expropriations, 'land grabs', scams, frauds, illegal commissions, third-party mortgages and other property questions that have recently brought notoriety to Spain’s reputation? Does the apparent lack of justice, the total inertia in the judicial system and the evident disinterest of the government make you feel impotent?

In short, do we have any champions?

Charles Svoboda, ex diplomat, board member of Ciudadanos Europeos and spokesman, founder (together with his wife Lisa) and Vice-President for the influential Abusos Urbanisticos – No, is to give a talk at the Hotel Best Mojácar (Marina de la Torre, Mojácar Playa) on Saturday 3rd May at 12 noon.

The introduction to Mr Svoboda will be made by Angel Medina, Vice mayor of Mojácar and President of the Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar, followed by Bob Preston, Secretary of AUAN, the Abusos Urbanisticos Almanzora – No and Helen Prior, owner of the property in Vera demolished unjustly by the Junta de Andalucía in January 2008.

The event will be hosted by Lenox Napier

All are welcome to attend.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

La demonstración en apoyo a los Prior

Fotos de la demonstración en Vera el 27 de enero organizado por Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar en apoyo a la familia Prior.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

Demonstration in Vera

It reads: 'No a los Derribos Ilegales' and it was the phrase used on Sunday 27th January by the protestors gathered in Vera by the Ciudadanos Europeos.
The protest was called after an English couple, Len and Helen Prior, had their house demolished earlier this month by order of the courts after the Junta de Andalucía had arbitrarily decided that their home was illegal - despite having all correct papers and having lived in a quiet Vera rural area near the ITV station for over five years. This was and is the only recent demolition in Almería province as the Junta de Andalucía tries to wrest power in urban affairs from the ayuntamientos. Around 1,000 homes have been declared 'illegal' by thae regional government - but only one has been demolished.
On Wednesday the ninth of this month, the bulldozers arrived - allowing just two hours for this retired couple to empty out their home of possessions.
In the end, around 800 people came to the demonstration to lend their support to the Priors. Speakers were Lenox Napier, Ángel Medina, Paco Vázquez - the councillor for urban development for Vera, and Helen Prior.

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

January 2008 Meeting

Ciudadanos Europeos de Mojácar
16 January 2008

Dear Friends, we are celebrating an emergency meeting of the Ciudadanos Europeos at the Hotel Continental on Mojácar Playa on Saturday 19th January, 12.00 midday, to discuss some important issues – not least of which is the demolition of a house belonging to British residents in Vera recently. We feel that this dreadful story cannot and must not be repeated.
We shall also have other news regarding our Party and will, as always, be glad to discuss other business.
A coffee and, with luck, a bun will be offered.
As always, everyone is welcome, including those who come from outside Mojácar.
Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday,

Angel Medina
Lenox Napier

By the way, pictures of the events at La Loma in Vera on January 9th 2008 at